There are online forums that can help you enjoy your vacation to the fullest.
From your itinerary, to the best places to visit.
Hongkong's organized transport system, their public transport to the say the least, it's very reliable and safe.
If you just read and ask around you will hardly get lost, even if you have a map on your hands courtesy of their city information centers.
Hongkong's MTR is one of the best in the world. The buses, included.
Sigh... it will take 50 years for the Philippines to have one.
An efficient, reliable, safe and clean public transport system.
And I share my tight-budget-but-super-fun experience.

Try the Ocean Park Adventure

The lovable Panda

Botanical Garden

The Big Ben

Museum of the Art

... and not to forget... the best food trip in town.
My sister and I survived, three days and three nights in Hongkong, without rice!!!
