Happiness is somewhere between too little and too much ... travel....
We could have missed that magnificent view had I not insisted in going there from Cape Bojeador Lighthouse in Burgos , Ilocos Norte.
My travel-escort-bodyguard-boyfriend gave me one task to do: to locate the signs on how to get there.
Sometimes, I am simply a geography-locator-idiot.
But that certain day in April, I found what we’ve been looking for... the Bangui Windmills in the municipality of Bangui , Ilocos Norte, about five to ten minutes away from Burgos town proper.
Looking at the magnificent view was like winning the last two, hahaha, sige na nga lotto, lottery para mas soci.
I have long dreamed of seeing this place after discovering it through features on televisions shows, news articles and even photos online.

The Bangui Windmills is owned by a private company – the NorthWind Bangui Bay Project.

One photojournalist described the 25-megawatt Bangui Bay Wind Farm as “one of the most captivating scenes in Ilocos Norte with 24 turbines arranged in a single row spaced 326 meters apart, towering 70 meters above the ground.”
It’s the first wind power mill constructed in Southeast Asia , the Bangui Windmills was inaugurated in 2005, the country’s largest renewable energy project.The project started with 15 turbines that catch wind coming from the South China Sea and convert it to electricity for 600,000 populace of Ilocos Norte.
"Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel,
Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel,
as the images unwind, like the circles that you find,
in the windmills of your mind!"
That's the windmills of Bangui on my mind.
I say, there's more to the trip to Ilocandia. After a nice scenic Burgos Lighthouse and Bangui Windmills.
Pagudpud is the next town to enjoy.